We need to talk about…Suicide.

Suicide- A poem, by OnlyforTheOne.com

Feel like I’m on a rollercoaster ride.
Trying to take it in my stride.
Part of me feels like it died.
Still I won’t do suicide…


I believe in One Allah
He is ArRahman alGhaffar (The Most Gracious, The Perpetual Forgiver)
I’ll keep aiming for the stars,
I want a ticket to al-Jannah.

Heard a no so many times.
I can read between the lines.
Optimistic that my future shines.
Leave the pain and past behind.

A part of me feels like it died.
All the days I cried and cried.
Gave it all and I really tried.
Still I won’t do suicide.

The Mercy of my Lord is great.
I accept my destiny and fate.
I’ll get up and walk on straight.
Life’s too short to sulk and hate.

I was always way to shy,
Risk averse to aiming high,
To opportunities I say goodbye,
Still I won’t do suicide.

We need to talk about suicide.

The answer is not suicide.

It’s not the answer and won’t solve a thing.
A long term solution to a short term problem.
Killing yourself is not a happy ending.
Make dua, trust Allah, let’s find solutions.

Optimism over depression any day,
Have taqwa and tawakkul and you’ll find a way.

You have to believe….

I learnt it’s not worth it to hide,
And bottle up and keep the pain inside,
So to The One Allah alone I will confide.
Allah will free me, so I wont do suicide.

The answer is not suicide,
Please don’t end it with suicide.
Suicide is just a way to hide.
Cant’ undo it once you’ve died.
So please, please don’t even try,
Rather, turn your hopes to The One above up high,
In Allah alone have hope and confide,
Don’t even think of suicide.



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