If You Want To Leave, Leave. The Door’s Open, Baby.

If You Want To Leave, Leave. The Door’s Open, Baby.

Relationships, friendships, partnerships…there’s no guarantee it’s forever, sometimes people leave.

Only For The One.

If you want to leave, leave. The door’s open, baby.

So you want to be with someone so badly. But they don’t want you. What are you going to do? Drop to your knees at their feet? Beg and plead? Threaten to self-harm or commit suicide? Burn their passport? Swallow their car keys? Chain them to your kitchen sink? Whatcha gonna do?

You could do the above said things and risk being categorised as crazy.

Or you could do something better- let them go.

Of course, each case is different. You know you. You know your situation. If you’re legitimately married, then by all means, honour the sanctity of your home and do what you can to restore peace by reconciliation. Alternatively, if you’re in the courtship phase and you find that you have to literally beg someone to be with you for the rest of your life, then rethink your outlook in life. Consider your dignity and honour your self-respect.

If you’re in a one-sided friendship where you’re always giving and the other is only there when they want something from you, but never there when you need, rethink your boundaries. Perhaps the minute you pull up those boundaries, so-called “friend” will leave. Don’t chase. They only cared to use you. You are not their slave, they are not your master. Moreover, they are free to leave. Your servitude is only for The One, Allah. In addition, it’s important you seek the counsel of Allah before you make any decisions to break things off, learn the dua istikhaarah.

Furthermore, if they want to go, then respect their right to exercise their choice, with no duress. In the occassion that they’re think they are worth it (or in the occassion that they think you’re worth it), they might come back. But don’t wait on it. Life goes on, baby. Life. Goes. On. Time don’t wait for nobody. And neither should you.

You are worth it. So if they want to leave, let them leave. The door’s open, baby!

Go find a better life. Find someone that will see your value, loves you as you are, is excited to hear from you and keen to build a future with you and is equally ready to give as they take. You can’t hound someone whose foot was always half in. The reverse is true, nobody can coerce you to spend a lifetime with them, especially if you don’t see eye to eye, meaning you have dichotomous principles, values and life goals. Would you not feel guilty for giving someone false hopes, when you never wanted to be with them in the first place? So then appreciate the person who decides to leave before it’s too late. They did you a favour. Appreciate it. And move the flip on.

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There’s a bright future ahead, Only For The One.

Know that whatever Allah has planned for you will come to pass, even if the world tries to hinder it. And whatever Allah has destined will avoid you would never reach you, even if you gathered all the world’s wealth as a ransom.

So if they want to leave. Let them.

If you want to leave, leave. The door’s open baby.


Whether the door will open again or not in the future is another story. Importantly, you cannot allow someone to come in and out of the door as they please. Every fortress has it’s security. Security means boundaries, boundaries means self-respect. If they want a way back in, they have to prove that they are worthy. They have to earn it. Of course, it’s your perogative to allow someone to re-enter or not, don’t be grudgy, but don’t be naive. Be assertive and open-minded.

On a side note, a person may leave as they may be suffering from low self-esteem and poor confidence, in which case, they need to address that and believe they are worthy. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t really love someone else properly. So first and foremost, work on your heart. Work on your relationship with The One, Allah. Thereafter, you will start to love yourself, when you’re fulfilling your true purpose and subsequently, you’ll be open to loving and caring for another human who upholds the same values. In the meantime and always, keep you’re heart focused on The One, Allah.

Your Heart Belongs To The One. So if they want to leave, let them. The door is open, baby!

Never entrust your heart with someone who is never guaranteed to keep it forever. Mere mortals can only do so much! Your heart belongs to The One, Allah. For Allah alone should we be especially devoted and yearning. Keep your heart for The One, and whomever He believes is worthy will arrive to help you achieve your true purpose. A true lover will remind you to turn your heart to Allah alone, no matter what, in their presence or absence, in adversity or prosperity, come rain or shine. It’s not about you, it’s not about him or her. It’s about Allah, The One.

You’ll get what’s written for you, may you get the best.

You surely will succeed, as long as you live, Only For The One.

If You Want To Leave, Leave. The Door’s Open, Baby.

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