Won’t Look Back.
Leaving The Country…For Good
Leaving The Country…For Good? For Now anyways.
So the flight was booked. And my bags were packed. And my mind was certain, that I wouldn’t be here any longer. I’m leaving. My job was done, for the most part. I was ready to go.
I took to the airport. Checked in, passed security and immigration. And then I waited at the boarding gates. I reflected on my time here. It was an interesting experience. I will cherish the past, the present and the future.
My last few hours on that land was spent in the airport sat alone, yet surrounded by hundreds of strangers, mostly travellers like me. Some people were staring at me. I stuck out like a sore thumb. Others politely minded their business. Yes, I was the stranger, the outsider, the overt “foreigner”. Of course, there were a few others like me. I wonder what their experiences were like. I’m happy that I was here, yet not bothered if I don’t come back. Because maybe there is something new and better for me to explore. I believe. I will go wherever The One takes me and I pray it’s what’s beloved to Him.
The Stranger. Leaving The Country…For Good?
Growing up, stranger was a term that often resonated with me. And that’s OK. Because today, I don’t know half the people who crossed paths with me as a child. All the mockers, all the haters, all the bullies, have gone their ways. And the good folks, the kind souls, the soft hearts, I won’t forget their kindness towards me, even if we may never meet again. I will treasure it all. And I’m content. Alhamdulillah. I’ve grown and gotten wiser. I’ve failed and I’ve won. I’ve fallen and I’ve gotten back up again. And I’m always on a journey. And that journey goes on.
Flying Away. Leaving The Country…For Good?
As my flight was announced, I gathered my bags and made my way. It was time to fly. Time to fly away. For good…maybe. I do not know if I’ll be back. But I won’t feel regret if I don’t return. I’m grateful for the opportunities I had and that which I utilised and I learnt from my losses. All in all, my life experiences have built me. I believe travel fosters growth, self-growth and much more. Travel opens your eyes, broadens your horizons and develops your character. I’m ready to do it all over again.
I watched the marvellous aircrafts on the runways. Some took off in minutes, others just parked up. Some airplanes were in taxi, other’s were ready to take off. As I observed my fellow travellers and scuttled forward towards my flight out of the country, I pondered at The Greatness of My Creator, The One Allah. Indeed, Allah created this land that I stood on and all the lands in existence, He created me and every other human, in fact He is the Majestic Creator of all Creation. We are all his humble servants, while He is our Master and Lord. Every one of us, whether you believe or not, cannot escape the decree of Allah. We are subjugated unto Him. So be humble. Be humble, and know this isn’t the end… we must be here for a greater purpose.
Pondering on Life. Leaving The Country…For Good?
As I continue to travel, I see signs that fortify my faith in The One, Allah, Our Creator. Landing on new turf, new soil, new grounds that I’ve never been to before, have reminded me how minute and insignificant I am in the vast, mysterious world Allah has placed me in. The sun rises and sets. The moon waxes and wanes. The plants sprout and bloom. The tides rise and they fall. The birds fly and they land. The dolphins dance and they dive. The lions hunt and they sleep. And we humans, we are born and we’ll die.
In fact, it will all come to an end, that is, all creation will cease. Yet The Creator, The One-Allah, never ceases to exist, for He is The Eternal, The Self-Sufficient, The Ever-Living Lord of all that exists. Allah is The True King and we are His humble servants.
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Frequently remember the destroyer of pleasures,’ meaning death.”
Thus our births and deaths are not to be in vain. Undoubtedly, we have a greater purpose. Indeed, we have been granted life on earth, to submit to Allah alone in sincere and ardent submission. With this realisation, I feel contentment. Despite my losses and my gains, my joy’s and my pains, my dreams and my dreads, I know I’m here only for The One, Allah.
And I (Allâh) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).
The End. Leaving The Country…For Good?
Wherever I go, wherever I settle, I know it’s not forever. I know my final destination is back to The One.
So I should remember the destroyer of pleasures. I should remember the promise of eternal pleasures in paradise, and accordingly, I should make everything I do and don’t do, all about The One, solely and sincerely.
Oh Allah, You are The One and Only, and for Whom alone my heart truly yearns. Elevate me and the believers in this world and the next. Forgive our mistakes and protect us. Guide us and bestow on us peace and healing. Have mercy on us and grant us sincerity. And honour us with victory and eternal success, admit us to Al-Firdaus by Your Grace, for indeed you are capable of all things, Oh Ever-Living One, Oh Self-Subsisting One. And may your eternal blessings and peace be upon the best of mankind, Your final prophet and Messenger, Muhammad ibn Abdillah. Ameen.
PURPOSE & PERSPECTIVE: Only for The One- Poem (English) Video (youtube.com)
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