The Real Journey Begins Now.

The journey begins. Everyone has a story. Everyone has dreams. Everyone has fears. Everyone has hopes.

Our planet is ridden with signs. Our purpose is clear. Our destination is anticipated.

Calling every intelligent, deep thinker. Life is precious. Life is a journey. There are manifold core values to consider on this journey.

Authenticity. Sincerity. Courage. Loyalty. Honesty. Endurance…

Only For The One

It starts with The One

The One. The Eternal. The Omnipotent. The Self-Subsisting. The Loving. The Almighty. The Forgiving. The Creator. The Originator. The Lord.

Deep down, every one of us has a natural instinct, an undeniable inclination to acknowledge The One.

The One, our Creator. The Creator of the our surroundings, our Earth, the universe, the galaxy, the Heavens…

The Creator of everything, our Creator has a beautiful name: Allah.

Allah is our Creator. Allah is The One. Allah is Eternal. Allah does not need anybody. Allah is not bound by time and location. Allah is the Self-Existing, uncreated Creator.

Moreover, we humans and creatures rely on Allah to grant us being, life and existence. We rely on Allah for provisions, food, water, family, friends, support and shelter. We rely on Allah to send the winds to shift the laden clouds and cause them to burst upon the earth with abundant, plentiful rain. Rain, for our crops, for our cattle, for our rivers and mountains.

The One, The Originator. The Ever-Living. The One Who gave us life and will take our life and resurrect us again. The One to Whom the return is.

The One, to Whom we dedicate our entire lives.  The One, Who is sufficient for us. The One we long for, we hope for, we trust in, we confide in, we ask from, we get from, we need, we love…

The One- Allah.

The Straight Path-We Need Direction

From birth, you traverse a path to make it to your destination. From weakness and vulnerability to strength and maturity. You attain full discernment. Life comes with ample opportunities. You follow your path until you meet a fork in the road.

One path seems easy but is difficult, the other seems difficult but is easy. 

One path is attractive and glamorous; the other is simple with clarity.

One path is short-lived and fast-paced; the other is for the long-term and lasting.

The path of pretentiousness and pomp versus the path of peace and prosperity. Choose wisely.

Grab those spectacles. You’ll need them for Perspective. 

Ask yourself: Who am I, in relation to myself, to others, to everything?

What am I doing?

Where am I heading?


Make a silent prayer. A humble call. Beg The One for direction. Plead for a sign. Be attentive.

Needy. Desperate. Humbled. Retreat to the ground. Head in your hands. Tears in your eyes. Overwhelmed. With sincerity from the depths of your heart, you will recognise how dependent you really are. 

…Dependent on The One, Allah. 

The Most Merciful, The All-Wise.

Revelation to the creatures was a mercy from The One.

Messengers to the creatures was a mercy from The One.

The One did not leave us without direction. The One made the straight path clear.

A Guide and a Book, to help you and I traverse the true path to true success, to the true destination, back to The One.

The Guide and The Book

We love what we can relate too. We love those who have something in common with us. We feel at ease when someone shows us how to do something and guides us through an unfamiliar process. 

Moreover, we love truthful and just Leaders. All-rounders. We aspire to be like them. Only the most eligible Leaders hold such a status and honour of being a Guide. Who’s worthy of such honour? The One decides, with immeasurable Wisdom.

The One, Allah, chose Prophets and Messengers out of the creation, to be competent Guides and Leaders for the likes of you and me. The Guides were human Messengers who showed us how to devote our existence to The One, only for The One. These Messengers showed us how to live a noble life for The One. They ate, drank, frequented markets, married, had children like other humans, but they did all that with a Greater Purpose- to serve The One. The Prophets and Messengers were many, including our original father Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Jesus, and the final Prophet Muhammad (upon them be peace). 

The One sent the Guides with Books. 

Who doesn’t love books? Books mean knowledge. Knowledge means empowerment. Empowerment means strength. Strength means influence. Influence means benefiting others. Benefitting others means success. 

The Books sent to the Guides were no ordinary books. These Books were revelation from The One. They were an accompaniment to The Messengers, to direct us on how to lead successful lives. Past nations had their Messenger and earlier Books, such as the Gospel, Psalms and Torah. Sadly, people denied their messengers, deviated and distorted the earlier Books, adding to them false tales and misguidance. 

Indeed, The One sent one last Book and Messenger to guide us back to the straight path. Those earlier Books have been abrogated by The Last Book of revelation, The Qur’an. The Last prophet Muhammad, was the final Messenger and seal of the prophets, no new messenger will come after him. If we want happiness, success and harmony, we need to tread on the path back to The One, and the only way to do that is by sincerely following The Messenger Muhammad (upon him be peace) and The Book of clear Guidance, The Reminder, The Qur’an.

The Reminder

We’re human beings. It’s human nature to forget. Sometimes we forget the most important matters. Frequent reminders are food for our souls. 

The greatest Reminder is The Qur’an.

In it are treasures; treasures on how to succeed in this life and beyond, treasures of joy, hope, mercy, encouragement, rewards, gifts and glad tidings for the one who accepts and acts upon its messages.

In it are warnings; warnings of chastisements, reprimands, destruction and loss for the one who turns away from its messages. 

The Qur’an encourages us to be good, do good, spread good and ultimately, receive good in return.

“Is the reward for good [anything] but good?”

(Qur’an, 55:60)

We are instructed to contemplate our origins, our existence, and our ultimate destinations. This world is limited. Time’s running out. And we have only one shot.

Those whose hearts are alive, will follow the reminder. They are the believers.

The reminder benefits the believers.

And Allah, The One, created us for a noble purpose, to serve Him alone. 

 “And I (Allâh) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).”

{Qur’an, 51:56}

So let’s dedicate our existence, only for The One. 

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