Are You A Strong Man? Find Out Now

Are You A Strong Man? Find Out Now

Photo by Damir S

Strong Men

What are the characterisitcs of strong men? If you don’t know, you need to read it:

Because strong men don’t wait and procrastinate.

Strong men take the lead, they take initiative, they don’t give up and they have ambition.

Strong men don’t wallow in self-pity, sorrow and failure. They get back up, hungrier than ever, they run and fight to make it to the finish line as the deserving champion.

Strong men lead the way, they embody the alpha-wolf mentality, they aren’t afraid to take the risk and conquer.

Strong men are made and built.

With sincerity, determination, courage and drive, you too can become a strong man,

Only For The One.

bearded man
Photo by Igor R

Strong Men Do These Three Things

“Strong men don’t have a massive ego. They know that apologising, admitting error, and seeking forgiveness are traits of self-reflective, powerful men.”

“Strong men- they’re in between extravagance and stinginess.”

“In essence, strong men consider the feelings of others.”

Full story here:

Read OnlyForTheOne at Medium

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Keep On At It

Endurance. The long run. The long haul. The only way is forward now. Once you’ve started the journey, keep it steady but consistent. If you fail or falter, get back up again. Commitment takes effort, so fight the fear. Think: it’s the conservative, long-term investment that will bring a good return. When you start to see the results, you’ll realise it’s all worth it. A happier, healthier, stronger, fitter, productive, energetic you, will bolster the motivation necessary to keep going.

Because the race isn’t over. It only just started.

– Only For The One its worth the wait

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.

– Molière

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