Live Life To The Fullest Now- In pursuit of Happiness and Success

Live Well- Improve Your Quality of Life!

Life is full of ups and downs, wins and losses, joys and sorrows and problems and solutions. Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to succeed. The question is, how? How can we become happy and successful individuals? What is happiness and success? What is the fundamental motivation for living? Are we living for food, love, money, fame and recognition, power, status or something else? We must think beyond material terms, for in the absence of such, our purpose would be void.

Three Important Points

Living life to the fullest in order to achieve happiness and success is essentially an amalgamation of these three following concepts:

1-Your origins

2-Your purpose

3-Your destination

Three things you need to know in life:
1-Your origins
2-Your purpose
3-Your destination

Achieve happiness and success

Indeed, we must become people of reflection and introspection. The real journey has begun.

With a sincere heart, we must delve deep into our souls and become cognisant of the fact that Allah, Our Creator, originated us. Previously, Allah created the first man, Adam (upon him be peace). Thereafter, Allah created Adam’s wife, Eve (Hawaa). Adam and Eve enjoyed the delights in Paradise. However, the ancient enemy called Satan, deceived and tricked our parents into making a mistake. Satan tempted and tricked them into eating from the forbidden tree. Adam and Eve recognised their mistake, they humbled themselves to The One and begged for forgiveness. Allah accepted their repentance and sent them down to Earth.

Indeed, Adam and Eve were appointed as vicegerents on Earth, whose mission was to establish the worship of The One True God Allah, alone. This is our ultimate purpose, to worship The One exclusively. We must humble ourselves in sincere servitude to our Originator, our Creator, The One- Allah. From Adam and Eve, the human generation continued. They were our original parents. We are the children of Adam and Eve. Indeed, our mission and life purpose is the same as Adam and Eve, to worship Allah alone. Our ancient enemy, Satan, will do what he can to mislead us from our noble purpose and we must resist him with unrelenting fortitude.

“O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous -”

[Qur’an 2:21]

Following the realisation of this greater purpose in life, we must prepare for our ultimate destination. We embark this journey of life, in hope of and working hard towards ever-lasting bliss. We know that this world is temporary. Thus, we must toil in this Earthly life, race to do good and restrain ourselves from evil, only for The One, and with Paradise and its ever-lasting pleasures in mind.

Happiness and Success

What is the definition of happiness and success? Are we always meant to be happy? Are we always meant to win? Winning is not always about being first or multiple material gains. Winning means being content with what has been apportioned for you, while trying your best to improve and achieve your lofty aspirations. It’s when we realise our purpose and keep pushing despite the difficulties, while being grateful, repentant and sincere, can we really live life to the fullest.

In addition, our worries and grief are temporary. The pain is temporary. The losses are temporary. Moreover, there are worldly joys, and by virtue of the ephemeral nature of this world, these too are temporary. We work hard in this life hoping for success in the hereafter, hoping for paradise to be our destination. We fear the hellfire ,that’s not our destination of choice. That’s the place we want to avoid. We don’t want permanent pain in hellfire. So we tolerate the temporary pain in this world. So we submit our will to the Will of The One, Allah. Such submission is the definition of Islam. Indeed, Islam is The Truth. This ephemeral worldly life is our preparation for the final destination. Let’s make sure the intention behind our actions and statements are sincerely and only for The One.

Live life to the fullest.

Only For The One

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