Unrequited Love- The Aftermath

Unrequited love- The Aftermath.

Unrequited love, the feeling of admiration for someone who does not quite reciprocate the same, can be a difficult deal to handle. Take it in your stride, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. This is unrequited love and the aftermath.

no sign buried unrequited love the aftermath
Photo by J Toney

Here’s an extract from the published piece.

Ever felt this way?

“Unrequited love can be difficult to swallow. It’s like gliding through the city on your inline skates, with great speed and agility until suddenly, you trip on a rock and take a tumble. The anticipation, excitement, dopamine and adrenaline all build up sky high, before taking a sharp decline into the realms of humiliation. With this analogy in respect to the object of your unrequited love, you plan a definitive future with them, whether practically or imaginatively. You recount all the memories and times you have enjoyed their company, hoping it will lead to a lifetime with them. In addition, you swoon over the commonalities you had, you idealised them and really believed that they were your soulmate. But they said or implied one word:


Only For The One

How to heal?

Unrequited Love The Aftermath

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