Today I Realised Why I Feel At A Loss.

Today I Realised Why I feel At A Loss.

It started in a moment of solitude. A tearful moment of solitude. Feeling desperate, I’d been begging Allah for help because I’d hit the brick wall regarding a particular matter, a matter that seemed so unattainable despite me requiring it. It was a matter of this transient world. I was lost.

Are you feeling lost today?

Feeling lost today?

Perhaps you have been in a similiar situation, feeling lost. Whatever your case may be, whether it’s a job you’ve been chasing, a project you wanted to complete, a home you wanted to purchase, a city you wanted to move to, or the pursuit of marriage, to have children, or for a cure to a health condition, a relationship you wanted to save, a position you wanted to attain, you name it… it’s safe to say you’ve encountered obstacles in life.

Indeed, seeking beneficial knowledge is of paramount importance. Regularly studying matters of Imaan (Belief) is essential and beneficial for all. The profound message in Chapter 103 of The Qur’an, Surah Al-Asr, is one we must heed and contemplate each and every day. Listen to it below or click here. is the personal and public mission to respond to the command in this very Chapter of the Qur’an.
Spread the word.

Reflecting On Our True Purpose

Following deep thought, I remembered that I need to make my life purpose truly and only for The One, Allah. In every thing I do, I must remember to correct my Niyyah (intention) only for The One. I must correct my belief so that it is in harmony with Allah’s final revelation (The Qur’an), and the guidance of His final Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (The Sunnah). I must act upon the correct knowledge and share the reminder with others. I must impart this knowledge, execute the commands and heed the prohibitions. I must be patient and perserverant in spreading the message of truth. And so should you.

Importantly, let us become people of introspection. Think- it’s possible my difficulties experienced could be a sign for me to come back to The One. Moreover, life’s difficulties can often be the catalyst for change. Indeed, trials push us to reflect deeply, to give up bad habits and to make a sincere repentance. Calamities push us to reflect on our reality, to learn and continue to learn beneficial knowledge and to exert greater effort in implementing it. In addition, hardships build character and strength, pushing us to be consistent and persistent in practising and conveying the message with wisdom and mercy.

Furthermore, we work hard for success not only in this worldly life, but for the life to come. That’s how to live life to the fullest. Labour on with the daily grind. Excel, but don’t waste time getting caught up in worldly pursuits. It’s about balance. Do your Dunya (worldy life), but not at the expense of Akhirah (afterlife). Furthermore, ensure those worldly pursuits are preceded by a great intention, for the betterment of our akhira.

Litmus Test

So how do we measure whether or not we are truly dedicating our life to The One? Ask yourself, what’s constantly on your mind 24/7?

What is the first thing you do, say or think when you wake up?

What is the last thing you do, say or think before you go to sleep?

During random moments of the day and throughout the day, where does your mind wander off to?

What is your priority in life, what do you currently spend the most time doing and why?

What do you speak about the most?

Question yourself. We have to be honest.

The first step to change is to realise you have to change. To solve your problem, you need to know you have a problem in the first place. Then we can talk about solutions.

Only For The One

Today I Will Realise The Feeling of Success

Are we truly living for Allah, The One?

Or are we living for our desires and every other created thing?

Let’s change it. We don’t want to be losers.

Refuse to lose.

(Sincerity + honesty + determination + action) = Today I will realise the feeling of success

If we truly dedicate our lives to serve The One True King and Master of all creation, that is The Almighty Lord- Allah, only then can we find true success in this temporary worldly life and the eternal life to come.

May Allah make you and I the victors.

Only For The One.

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